How to (Actually) Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

How to (Actually) Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Every year around this time, we’re inundated with “new year, new you” messages, fitness motivation (as if the calendar page turning to January will suddenly inspire dreams of athleticism) and #goals for 2017.

But how do you keep these New Year's Resolutions and keep the momentum going throughout the entire year, not just January? Let us count the ways…

1. Think small.

We don’t typically suggest underachieving, but with New Year’s Resolutions, we advise starting small - and staying that way. What’s the one thing (or, two things) in your life that you wish you were better at? Committing to one thing, as opposed to 10, is a great way to actually follow through on it - plus, science suggests successful people start small.

2. Invest in the goods.

Put those gift cards you’ll no doubt be collecting over the holiday break to good use and invest in things that make your life a little brighter. Is your goal to drink more water? Pick up a chic water bottle or two (and, new products like Hydrate Spark actually track your water intake) to keep on your desk at work and on your nightstand to encourage you to drink - in a pretty way - throughout the day.

Or, if you’re hoping to finally stick to your workout goals, invest in some new workout gear (we’re loving Outdoor Voices lately) or buy a Class Pass. Studies show when you make a monetary investment in something (like cute workout duds), you’re more likely to follow through.

3. Work giving back into your resolutions.

2016 has been a doozy. It’s important to take a step back and reflect on how lucky we all are to have a roof over our heads, safety and food when so many people can’t say the same. And, new research shows being grateful actually makes you happier. When making your list of resolutions (and checking it twice) this year, consider charitable donations.

Making the New Year's Resolution of giving back, even if it’s setting up automatic payments of $10 per month, is a great way to start the year on the right karmic foot. Not sure where to start? Here are some great organizations that could use your help: Save the Children, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club Foundation, Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

4. Start the year with a clean slate.

The one thing we do love about New Years and the turning of the calendar pages is closet cleanouts. We’ve talked before about our best closet cleanout tips for the New Year, but don’t forget to clear out the areas you most likely skip over, like your bathroom cabinets, under-bed boxes, your kitchen pantry and lingerie drawer.